Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Goodbye and Hello!

Mary Peters is retiring and Bridget Barry-Thias is the new Medical Library Manager. Welcome, Bridget, and goodbye, Mary! 

A time of transitions!

Mary started at Scottish Rite Hospital in 1981 and has lived and worked through huge changes in the information world. From being excited about getting an electric typewriter for the library, to learning word processing as the hospital started getting personal computers. The card catalog has transitioned from index card access into an online version that can link users to not only print but also the full text online. 

From huge volumes of the Index Medicus – in print or even microfilm – to almost instant lists of medical literature citations through MEDLINE and CINAHL databases online. Full text books and journal articles provided by libraries to users at home or traveling.  Passwords! 

But the publishers still need to be paid - and while much information is available freely on the web today, access to the quality, peer-reviewed information needed by medical clinicians and researchers is still an expensive business requiring evaluation, management and coordination of a number of services. The health science librarian is still here to help manage and provide access to that “knowledge-based” data you need.

Bridget will take us into the next stage – more reliance on electronic access to information needs. The Medical Library will still have print materials, but this past year has been spent evaluating and paring down the physical collection. Soon it will emerge in a refreshed version as it moves further into the world of online access. Please contact Bridget for your information needs!